Why your thermostat is so important is because it is the vital control for all of your mechanical systems in your home. If you have an older style thermostat, you could be wasting vital heating and cooling dollars. This is a relatively inexpensive item and can usually be installed in less than an hour. If you are not the type for DIY home projects, your heating or cooling contractor can provide you with a good quality thermostat and install it for you.
An older thermostat being off just two degrees is wasting about 10% of your costs, so figure out if you need that 10% or part with a small amount of money for a new thermostat.
Since most people live active and irregular lives, a programmable thermostat is probably only good a couple of times of year, when your away on vacation. Otherwise, you will be overriding it most of the time, a simple digital thermostat that contains all your components is usually fine, so save the extra cost.
Older homeowners tend to like the round dial type thermostats, they are still available, but a digital is most accurate. If your insistent on it, Robert Shaw makes both styles and there is a link for them on the bottom of this article.
Warning: some systems are complicated, if you are unsure of wiring or how to install your new thermostat, contact your heating or cooling professional or a licensed electrician. Your system may not operate correctly if the thermostat is not wired correctly.
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This article may be used for content on your website, blog or newsletter. It must be used in it's entirety, including this text, without any alterations to content or the links within the content. P.R. Man is an expert in the Home Improvement and Home Energy Solution fields.
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