Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Cleaning Carpets with Steam
The process of steam cleaning your carpet involves hot water being fed to a spray extraction tool orwand, coupled to a pump vacuum power unit. The cleaning solution is injected under pressure deep into the carpet through water jet nozzles.
The water will then penetrate the fiber all the waydown to the backing. This action will loosen anyembedded soil, remove oil and grease deposits, andget your carpet cleaner than it has ever been.
There are many types and makes of steam carpet cleaners available on the market, ranging from smallportables to the large and very powerful truck mounted units. The principle is the same no matterwhat model you pick.
The models that are truck mounted are designed sothat only the hose and the wand are taken into thearea being cleaned. These units are very powerful,delivering hot water and generating a high vacuumrecovery that can be powered by diesel fuel, gas,propane, or even by the motor of the truck.
Most carpet manufacturers, fiber producers, andprofessional cleaners endorse this process for achieving soil removal efficiency. With the presentstate of art equipment and technology, we are morethan capable of high production and cleaning of carpet.
The real disadvantage to steam carpet cleaning arethe problems that are associated with over wettingand longer drying times. These can be eliminatedhowever, by a skilled operator who uses equipmentthat is well maintained and in good overall operating condition.
Currently, there are two methods being used withsteam carpet cleaning. 1. This method involves a trafficlane cleaner being sprayed onto the traffic lanesand then agitated into the fibers. The entirearea is then cleaned by using a hot water extractorthat has a cleaning solution being injected intothe fibers through the wand. 2. The second method involves a free rinse emulsifying pre-spray being sprayed onto theentire carpet, then agitated into the fibers.
Steam cleaning procedures 1. Prepare the equipment and supplies. Ina pump or power sprayer you should mix the freerinsing pre-spray. In the solution tank of theextractor, mix the rinsing agent. 2. If you have a lot of furniture to move,make yourself a floor plan. 3. If the area being cleaned has furniture,you should remove as much as possible. 4. Thoroughly vacuum the carpet. If thepile is crushed or matted, use a pile brush toloosen the soils which will make vacuuming more effective. 5. Pre-spray a good amount of the pre-spray. 6. Using a grooming tool, agitate the prespray deep into the fibers then let it sit for 10 - 15 minutes, making sure that it doesn't dry out. 7. Extract the area using a portable, truckmounted, or automatic carpet cleaner. 8. Repeat steps 5 through 7 until theentire area has been cleaned. 9. Groom the cleaned area, replace allfurniture that was removed, then clean all equipmentthat you used.
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Still Smoking In Your Home? Clean the air...
Are you a cigarette smoker? Even if you are not, personally, is there someone inside your home who is? If so, there is a good chance that you know all to well the awful smell that results from a cigarette. In addition to the awful smell, cigarette smoke changes otherwise okay air into air that is unhealthy to breath. Of course, the easiest way to eliminate unhealthy air, due to cigarette smoke, is to quit smoking, but not everyone wants to. If that is the case with you or with someone inside your household, you are urged to examine what an air purifier can do for you.
Air purifiers are electronic devices that are used to clean up the air. They do this by reducing or completely eliminating the number of harmful air particles or contaminants in the air. In most cases, depending on the air purifier, this is done with the use of a filter A filter, will work to prevent these air particles from passing through the grid. Essentially, this makes the air coming out of the machine cleaner and healthier.
As nice as air purifiers are, they are not excellent, especially when it comes to removing smoking particles from the air. This is mostly due to the fact that most air purifiers cannot keep up with the particles released from a cigarette. However, that does not mean that you shouldn’t try an air purifier. Even with smoking, you will find that air purifiers do help to keep the air cleaner and more breathable; they just do not completely eliminate the problem. As previously mentioned above, the problem can only be completely eliminated when smoking as been eliminated.
Despite the fact that not all air purifiers are able to completely clean the air from a smoker, there are some air purifiers that perform better than others. In fact, a number of air purifiers with a focus on cigarette smoke have been developed. The developers of these air purifiers’ likely spent years researching cigarette smoke and effective ways to eliminate the dangerous air particles associated with it. In many cases, these air purifiers have an additional filter. That filter, in a way, is considered special. It tends to work only to eliminate smoke particles, something that the filters in most traditional air purifiers let past.
If you are looking for an air purifier that can help to reduce the smoking particles inside your home, you are advised to use the internet. Online, when compared to traditional storefront retail locations, you will find a larger selection of air purifiers. This is because many storefront retail locations are limited on space. This means that your local home improvement store or department store may not carry a line of air purifiers that are specially designed for those with a smoking household; however, it is a different story with online retailers.
In your search for air purifiers, especially those that help to eliminate the air particles associated with smoking, it is likely that you will come across AllerAir purifiers. AllerAir has developed a line of air purifiers, especially for those who live inside a smoking household. These models are known as the AllerAir 4000 DS and the AllerAir 5000 DS. These air purifiers have the special smoking filter, which was mentioned above. This filter is effective at trapping and destroying smoke particles, as well as other dangerous or harmful air particles.
In addition to the AllerAir purifiers, mentioned above, there are also a number of other air purifier manufacturers that have developed air purifiers with smokers in mind. Before purchasing one of these products, it may be a good idea to further review that particular air purifier online. Feedback left by previous or even current customers is the best way to know if the product you are purchasing is worth or money or not. Air purifiers, especially those made for smoking households, can be considered an expensive purchase. That is why it is important that you know what you are purchasing before you actually purchase it.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Decorating Your Bathroom for Christmas
Are you one of the many individuals who loves the Christmas holiday season? If so, there is a good chance that you may be interested in filling your home with Christmas decorations. Although you might not have given it any thought, did you know that you can also decorate your bathroom for Christmas? If you have yet to think about it, you might want to give it some serious thought. There are a number of Christmas decorations that would look great in your bathroom.
If you are looking for a simple, easy, but traditional way to decorate your bathroom for Christmas, you may want to try hanging a Christmas picture in the room. Whether that picture is an elegant framed picture or just one made of cardboard, such as a cardboard cutout of Santa or a Christmas tree, you could easily transform your bathroom with one simple Christmas picture. If you already have pictures in your bathroom, you could leave the pictures up or take them down until Christmas is over. For the ultimate Christmas feel, it may be better to only focus on one bathroom theme at a time
You can also decorate your bathroom for Christmas with the purchase of Christmas towels and washcloths. Depending on where you shop, you should be able to purchase a Christmas bathroom set, compete with matching towels and washcloths. In your search for Christmas towels or washcloths, you will find that many are designed as if they were for children, with cartoon-like characters. If you are looking for a more elegant Christmas style, you should also be able to find that as well. It is possible to find solid colored towels and washcloths that only have a small amount of Christmas on them, such as a simple snowflake or a small picture of a Santa. Allowing these towels to hang in your bathroom, whether you use them or not, is a great way to bring the Christmas spirit into one of the most used rooms in your home.
In addition to Christmas towels, you can also find a number of other Christmas decorations that are designed for the bathroom. Those items may include soap dishes or soap pumps. It is not uncommon to find a soap dish that has a Christmas design to it. The same can be said for soap or lotion pump containers. It is not uncommon to find some of these containers in the shape of Santa or a Christmas tree. What is nice about these types of Christmas decorations for the bathroom is that they can usually be purchased for a low price. You can usually find a collection of Christmas soap dishes or pumps in your local dollar store or discount store.
If you are really interested in brining the Christmas spirit into your bathroom, you could even go a step further. It was mentioned above that some bathroom sets come with matching towels and washcloths. It is also possible to purchase bathroom sets that include window curtains, shower curtains, as well as floor mats. Depending on where you are shopping, you may be able to find Christmas bathroom sets. These sets tend to include a shower curtain, floor matt, as well as wall curtains that, in one way or another, relates to Christmas. While it may seem as if a Christmas shower curtain is over the top, it might not necessarily be, especially if you love the holiday or have children in your home.
The above mentioned items are just a few of the many that you can use to decorate your bathroom for the Christmas holiday season. If you would like more decorating tips, you are advised to perform a standard internet search. It may be best to use the phrase Christmas bathroom decorating tips. Your search will likely return a fairly large number of results; results that may give you the perfect idea as to how you should go about decorating your bathroom for Christmas.
Have a Happy and Safe Holiday!
Friday, October 31, 2008
NAOHSM-Important News For Oil Heat Managers
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Reduce your debt
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Saving Money And Reducing Debt-An Everyday Job
We set up 10 basic rules:
Rule 1- If we are to purchase any item over $200, we must both agree it is needed
Rule 2- Any purchases made with a credit card must be able to be paid off within 90 days.
Rule 3- Once a year we will sit down and make a plan for any major purchases, such as home improvements, appliances etc.
Rule 4- At the end of each week, we will sit down and pay ourselves first, deposit any extra money into savings or investments.
Rule 5- Everyone must be involved even the kids, they must learn how to live within their means
Rule 6- Eating out will be cut from once per week to once every two weeks, the extra money will go into our savings.
Rule 7- Fill up the tank at the beginning of the week in both vehicles, allows us to shop for the best gas price, not get it when your on fumes.
Rule 8- Lunches will come from home at least 4 days per week for everyone
Rule 9- The mall is taboo! Discount stores have the same products for less.
Rule 10- Shop for price, use coupons and buy in bulk when an item we use a lot of is on sale.
Set the bar high! If you keep track of what you spend everyday for one week, you will be surprised. The coffee, lunch, snacks, cigarettes, convenience store stops and other frivolous purchases. I did it for one week and I was surprised, so I took the numbers and figured out that I could save $60 a week on just coffee and lunch!You can take that $60 and pay down debt, save it or invest it!
Finally, I am not the only success story in doing this, you can do it too.
See How You can Live On a Dime.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
TV on Your PC Only $9.95
That means no more cable or satelite bills, and yes it is totally legal. For $9.95 you really have nothing to loose, because it is guaranteed 100% satisfaction. Check it out for yourself.
Save Money On your Cable TV
Stop Foreclosue-Free Report-Urgent Homeowners
1. You need to deal with it! Don't avoid the phone calls, ask what they can do for you if you can't afford the payments.
2. Don't be bullied! You have rights and you need to know that threatening is against the law.
3. Read your agreement again, you know the pile of papers you recieved at your closing, the one's you never read, now would be a good time.
4. Make a Plan. What are your TRUE intentions? If you really can't afford your home or have lost your job or have medical problems, you may be eligible for government programs, call your local unemployment or department of labor.
5. Prepare for battle. Don't leave without a fight, get all the resources needed to keep your home.
6. Work with your Lender. Your lender may be willing to renegotiate terms or payment amount.
7. Ask for Help. Family or friends can help you if it is just a temporary situation.
8. It takes a long time. Foreclosures are taking a long time to happen. Auctioneers and the banks simply don't have enough help or time to handle all of them.
9. If you aren't intending on staying, save your money for rent or upcoming expenses such as moving, furnture etc.
10. Finally, it's not the end of the world! Material posessions can be replaced, health and happiness is more important than that
Friday, August 8, 2008
Oilheat has just gotten smarter - it's eating its vegetables!-BioHeat
Domestically produced, soy-based Bioheat can literally be grown at home — helping to support our nation’s farmers and reducing our dependence on foreign oil.
It is extremely clean burning.
It has the highest Btu content of any alternative fuel.
About UsSupplyHistoryLandmarksProductionContactsLinksCommunityPricingOilheat America For Kids
How It WorksBoilersFurnacesBurnersWater HeatersTanksUpgrading Your SystemChoosing A New SystemTune-UpsNew Developments
Bioheat®TipsInteractive H.O.U.S.E.Energy Star®
SafetyEcologyEconomyPrice OptionsTax Credits / Incentives
Interactive database of Oilheat related questions and answers.
Download FREE pamphlets containing more information about Oilheat.
Oilheat has just gotten smarter - it's eating its vegetables!Bioheat — heating oil blended with biodegradable, organic materials such as soybean oil — is one of the “hottest” things happening in home comfort. Renewable and non-toxic, Bioheat is not only kind to Mother Earth; it’s kind to heating systems, too.Bioheat Characteristics:
Domestically produced, soy-based Bioheat can literally be grown at home — helping to support our nation’s farmers and reducing our dependence on foreign oil.
It is extremely clean burning.
It has the highest Btu content of any alternative fuel.Bioheat Benefits for Homeowners:
Bioheat produces the same satisfying heat as “regular oil.”
It costs just about the same as “regular oil.”
It lubricates heating system.
You don’t have to make any modifications to your burner or tank.
You don’t have to buy any new equipment.
You don’t have to change your budget plan, payment plan, service contract or warranties.Wondering what makes up Bioheat? These every-day products of nature can be used to produce the alternative environment-friendly fuel:
• Avocado• Brazil Nut• Calendula• Cashew• Castor Bean• Coconut• Coffee• Corn• Cotton• Euphorbia• Hazelnut
• Hemp• Jojoba• Linseed• Lupine• Macadamia Nut• Oat• Oil Palm• Olive Tree• Palm• Peanut• Pecan
• Pumpkin Seed• Rapeseed• Rice• Rubber Seed• Safflower• Sesame• Soybean• Sunflower• Tung Oil TreeTesting conducted by the National Oilheat Research Alliance (NORA) found that a Bioheat blend of 80% low-sulfur heating oil and 20% biodiesel (B20) reduced sulfur oxide emissions by as much as 80% or more. Nitrogen oxide emissions were lowered by about 20%. In addition, carbon dioxide emissions can be lowered by 20%. If everyone using heating oil used a B5 blend (5% biodiesel/95% heating oil), 400 million gallons of regular heating oil could be conserved. This would be a big step towards conserving oil, and reducing greenhouse gas emission. information brought to you from
Energy Conservation Tips
We've got a conservation tip for all!
When it comes to energy savings, conservation is most important. There are many ways that you can conserve energy, that are fast and easy to implement. Here are some conservation tips -- no matter the season or the type of weather, we have you covered.
Conservation Tips for Cold Weather
Sunshine! Windows on the south side of the house get the most sunlight. Eastern windows get sunlight in the morning. West facing windows receive sunlight in the afternoon. Open shades and drapes during the daytime to let the sun’s warmth enter your home, and close when the sun goes down.
Close your kitchen vent, fireplace damper and closet doors when not in use.
Remove air conditioning window units, or cover them well.
Keep radiators free of dust for top efficiency.
According to the U.S. Department of Energy, homeowners can save as much as 10% a year on their heating and cooling bills by simply turning the thermostat back by 10 to 15 degrees.
Wrap your pipes, to guard against heat loss and prevent them from freezing.
Avoid using space heaters. They're expensive to operate, and can be dangerous, too.
Check your threshold for any gaps between it and the door. Use a bottom seal that can be attached to the bottom of the door -- it should brush up against the floor to seal up the threshold. It virtually stops drafts.
Get a heating system tune-up — it’ll ensure you get maximum performance from every drop of heating oil burned.
Make sure you have good insulation on exterior walls, ceilings with cold spaces above, and floors with cold spaces below.
Change the windows. Consider new low-emissivity glass, which will decrease radiant heat loss without lowering visibility.
Upgrade your oil burner — a modern burner can cut costs by 15%.
Conservation Tips for Warm Weather
Keep drapes, blinds and shades closed during the day to block out the sun.
Move furniture away from air conditioning vents.
Plant shade trees due west of west windows. It could reduce your air conditioning bills by up to 25%!
Cook on the grill to keep cooking heat outside the home.
When cooking inside, use a microwave instead of a conventional oven. It uses less than half the power and cooks food in about one-fourth the time.
Install reflective window coatings to reflect heat away from your home.
Use ceiling fans to cool your home — they’re much cheaper to operate than air conditioners, and moving air feels cooler, so you can keep your thermostat setting higher.
Open windows on cool summer days and nights. A good rule of thumb is not to open windows when the outside temperature is warmer than the inside of your house.
Change or clean your air conditioning filter monthly during cooling season to improve efficiency and the life of your air conditioner.
Whenever possible, hang your laundry outdoors to dry.
Install patio covers, awnings, and solar window screens to shade your home from the sun.
Keep the coils of your central or window air conditioner free of dust and dirt.
Year-Round Conservation Tips
Use compact fluorescent lights. They last up to 10 - 13 times longer than standard bulbs and use 75% less energy.
Install dimmer switches. In addition to enhancing the mood, they'll extend the life of your bulbs and help you save up to 60% on your lighting costs.
Lower the temperature of your water heater from 140° to 120°. You'll save 3% -5% in water heating costs for each 10° reduction. Or consider a timer to turn your water heater off when not in use.
Don't keep your refrigerator or freezer too cold. Recommended temperatures are 37° to 40°F for the refrigerator and 5°F for the freezer.
Don't leave the fridge door open! Every time you do, up to 30% of the air inside can escape. The same can be said for your oven.
Use a covered kettle or pan to boil water; it's faster and it uses less energy.
Air-dry dishes. Also, avoid using the heat-dry, rinse-hold and pre-rinse features.
Choose a high-efficiency clothes washer and dryer. High-efficiency washers use half the water of standard models. High-efficiency dryers can save up to 30% in energy over standard models.
Defrost food before cooking — you could save 30% to 50% on cooking costs. And pre-heat your oven only for baking.
Install water-conserving fixtures, such as showerheads, faucets and toilets.
Fix leaky faucets, especially hot water faucets. One drop per second can add up to 165 gallons per month — more than a person uses in two weeks.
Install a programmable thermostat. When properly used, it could save as much as $100 or more off your annual heating bills.
For a “room by room” tour of conservation energy tips around your home,
please click here.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Grocery Shopping List Power -- Step 1 In Saving Grocery Money
A grocery shopping list can be the front line tool you use in saving money on your grocery budget each month. There are several more sophisticated ways to save grocery money, but none is easier or faster to implement than the lowly grocery shopping list. Interestingly, this is a tool that almost everyone knows about, yet very few people actually use it in a systematic and reliable way. For those folks who are not convinced of a grocery list's potential power in household management, here's what happens when you DON'T use one. -- You lose money.
Without a grocery shopping list, a shopper is at the mercy of "what looks good" in a grocery store. Believe me, if you shop this way, you WILL find something that looks irresistible. And costs more than you might have spent with a list. Why? Simple. It is the grocery stores' job to entice you to spend money in their stores. That's how they stay in business. There's no problem with that. But it's YOUR business to get the best value for your money...unless you don't care how much you spend on your groceries each month. In which case you probably wouldn't be reading an article like this one. -- You lose time. Using a grocery shopping list means you can enter your favorite grocery store, fly up and down the aisles one time, and be ready to check out in the fraction of time of another shopper who uses the 'browse' method of grocery shopping. And if you're under the mistaken impression that you'll need to spend lots of upfront time figuring out what to put on your grocery list, well, you don't. Hang your grocery list in a prominent place in your kitchen and train your family to use it. Then your list will be ready to go shopping when you are.
-- You lose nutrition. Using a grocery shopping list means you get EXACTLY what you want at the store; and that includes the nutrition you want for your family. You call the shots on how much fat, salt and sugar your family consumes. You can decide to emphasize whole grains and whether raw vegetables, frozen or canned will grace your family's dinner table. In short, with a grocery list, you are in control.
-- You lose efficiency. Ever stand in your grocery store and think to yourself, "well, I know I need some frozen veggies (or broth, or canned fruits, or favorite mixes, etc.) to keep on hand for that easy throw-together recipe my family likes. But I can't remember what I already have at home. I'll just get a couple of bags of SOMETHING to keep on hand." Fast forward to the night you want to actually COOK that wonderful food for your family. You discover you've got two bags of frozen broccoli and three bags of frozen stir-fry veggies, but what you NEED is a bag of frozen corn. A grocery shopping list could have helped you bring home the corn. Without the extra stir-fry. Using a grocery list means you have what you actually need in your pantry when you need it. Plus, you'll end up with less throw-away food, too, since you're purchasing what you know your family will eat within a given period of time.
Bottom line, if you're serious about saving money at the grocery store, the first thing you'll want to use is a grocery shopping list. It's easy and you can start using one today. (For a free printable grocery shopping list, see the author's resource box at the end of this article.) Whether you're a college student learning how to grocery shop for the first time, a newly married couple establishing a budget, or a mom whose family has grown and the grocery budget has developed a mind of its own, the place to start to regain control is the lowly grocery shopping list.
About The Author
Colleen Langenfeld has been parenting for over 26 years and helps other moms enjoy mothering more at Get your free printable grocery shopping list at
Downsizing for Seniors by: Marilyn Bohn
• Get Rid of the guilt factor---Many feel they are the "keepers" of their family heirlooms and have a hard time getting rid of items which they no longer have room. This is the number one reason seniors have a hard time downsizing. Look for other family members who would like to have some of these items now. Especially if they are just being stored and not used. This way the person they really want to have them will for sure be the one to inherit the item. And the joy that brings to the recipient can be enjoyed by the giver.
• If family members do not want the items because of their own space limitations or for other reasons consider donating the items to a charity. Or there are consignment shops in most large cities where items can be sold with a percentage of the cost going to the shop. Or items can be sold through eBay, Craig's list and other places on the internet.
• Paring down items before the move makes the process easier at moving time. It not only saves space but it saves time and money.
• Find movers specializing in senior needs---Moving is stressful for everyone, but some moving companies specialize in making the transition easier for seniors so it is worth the time to fine a 'mover match'. There are moving companies with senior-friendly services, such as hanging items on the walls for clients unable to do so themselves, handling the change of address and utilities, setting up electronics at a new home, and much more.
• Reassess every five to ten years---As seniors get older, modern appliances or high shelving can become more difficult to use or simply unnecessary considering their lifestyle. By evaluating and reassessing needs every five to ten years helps in two ways. It helps to avoid collecting clutter and keeping things no longer needed. It also assures that the home or space is still working for their lifestyle.
• Everyday activities and household chores can be made easier---This can be a simple process by adjusting the setup in their homes. Keep two to three sets of dinnerware where it is easy to reach instead of keeping everything in out-of-reach cabinetry. Everyday activities and household chores can be made easier just by adjusting the setup in their homes.
About The Author
Marilyn Bohn's Bio Marilyn is a creative organizer who has been organizing for over 20 years. She is a member of the National Association of Professional Organizers and is working towards becoming a Certified Professional Organizer. Professionally she has been organizing homes and offices for over two years. She holds a bachelors degree in Social Work. She has reared five daughters and currently lives in Utah. Go to her website where you can find free organizing tips, interesting blogs and more helpful articles on organizing.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Keeping Your Home Maintained Saves You Money In The Longrun

Window sometimes become difficult to close. Make sure no debris has lodged into a window opening and make sure the windows are still on track. Trying to force a window is never a good idea. By making sure the rubber seals around the windows are in good shape can be the difference between losing hundreds of dollars in heating and cooling expenses.
Crack sealing – Houses settle and each year there are always new cracks. They have to be caulked or filled properly to avoid drafts and further expansion. It is always a good idea to do a seasonal inspection of your foundation to identify any cracks or potential problem areas. It can prevent water from getting into the problem area. A filled crevice will prevent unwanted insects (or worse) from gaining access to your house.
Regular drain maintenance is a must. Hair builds up in bathroom sinks and food residue sticks into the kitchen drain. Either clean with a wire brush, or by opening the pipes (with a pipe wrench) or get some sort of “draino” to keep that water flowing.
Check on your Bathroom Sink Stopper – this is a common part of the sink drain that comes apart. I see this in many homes, it is an easy fix, but you got to have some patience. Look under the sink and see if it is connected properly. If so you should have little problems.
Recaulking the bathroom shower tub and removing mold with bleach, is a great way to prevent sickness and clean up the look of your tub. Scrape off the old caulk and apply fresh new caulk that is specially designed for the shower and bath. It is easy to do and will make your bath look newer. Make sure to spray with bleach and keep the area ventilated while you do this job.
Save paint from any paint job. You never know when you need touch up paint around the house. If you do not have the saved paint, you can take a chip of the used paint to a good paint store. Any Sherwin-Williams store should be able to match the paint by taking a small piece.
Finally make sure to check light fixtures, outlets and thermostats. All these things need a regular “once over” to ensure proper service. If all these things are done, you will have a better understanding of your houses needs and will prevent future problems.
Save on Home Cleaning Products by: Sarah Russell
About The Author
Sarah Russell, aka "The Sexy Secretary," is a connoisseur of living the good life on a budget. Check out her website at for more fabulous ideas on how to trim down your expenses without reducing your quality of life.